
Vladimir Huber > Salud

Ciencia tradicional, ciencia actual – El Mercurio de Santiago

El avance en el mundo de la computación ha acelerado los cambios científicos, ya que hace unas décadas eran necesarios varios meses para completar ciertos cálculos, los que ahora sólo toman unos minutos. Con esto, se acorta el tiempo en que se completa el proyecto que el científico esté realizando, lo cual redunda en un desarrollo científico a tal punto, que acelera el proceso de evolución de todas las demás áreas de la vida.

Psiconeuroinmunología: las interacciones entre el comportamiento, el sistema nervioso, y el sistema inmunológico

Hemos sabido por medio de la historia científica, que personas de varias profesiones han mencionado la relación entre el cuerpo, la mente, y las emociones, los que se afectan entre sí, y que para tener una salud completa, estos deben estar en armonía.

Psychoneuroimmunology: the interactions between behavior, the nervous system, and the immune system

It is reported in different types of literature throughout history, that many people of different professions have mentioned the connection between body and mind, that they affect one another, and that in order to have complete health, both have to be in harmony.

El fuego y el humo

Cuando era pequeño me gustaba jugar con cerillos. Me fascinaba la luz que aparece al encender el cerillo. En ese tiempo, en Chile los cerillos eran de madera. El poder de la llama envolviendo la madera, consumiendo todo lo que toca, limpiando, purificando y, si yo no tenía cuidado, causando mucho dolor. El fuego era algo que no sólo me gustaba, pero algo que yo respetaba profundamente.

Fire and smoke

Institute of Imaginal Studies Recovering the fire, releasing the smoke. by Vladimir Huber March-April, 2000 I. Fire and the liberation of the baby hand As a little kid, I used to play with matches. I was mesmerized by the light that appears after striking a match. Matches were made of wood in Chile, in those…

Abuso de drogas y alcohol

Institute of Imaginal Studies Abuso de drogas y alcohol Vladimir Huber, Agosto 1999 1.Los modelos comunes de adicción son: Podemos ver los modelos de adicción en dos formas básicas, como lo menciona Darryl Inaba en «Uppers, Downers, All Arounders» (Subidores, bajadores, y drogas generales), y Stephanie Brown en «Treating the Alcoholic» (Tratamiento del alcohólico). Inaba…

Drug and alcohol abuse

Institute of Imaginal Studies Drug and Alcohol Abuse Vladimir Huber, August 1999 1.The most common models of addiction are: We can view the models of addiction in two basic ways, as mentioned by Darryl Inaba in «Uppers, Downers, All Arounders,» and Stephanie Brown in «Treating the Alcoholic.» Inaba groups them in three basic models, such…

Las Moléculas de la Emoción Dra. Candace Pert, Profesora Investigadora del Departamento de Fisiología y Biofísica, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C.

Institute of Imaginal Studies Las Moléculas de la Emoción Dra. Candace Pert, Prof. Investigadora del Departamento Fisiología y Biofísica, Georgetown University Medical Center, U.S.A. Relación entre la mente y el sistema inmune Por años se ha tenido la evidencia de cierta asociación entre la mente y el sistema inmune. No es desconocida la relación entre…

The arts in spiritual care

Semin Oncol Nurs 1997 Nov;13(4):242-7 The arts in spiritual care. Bailey SS Vladimir Huber OBJECTIVES: To explore the role of the arts in spirituality and spiritual care and the importance of the arts and creativity in health care settings, particularly where individuals are confronting life-threatening illnesses. DATA SOURCES: Professional and lay journals/magazines, and personal experience…

Behavioral–physiological factors in the development and management of cancer

Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1982 Apr;4(1):69-74 Behavioral–physiological factors in the development and management of cancer. Vladimir Huber Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1982 Apr;4(1):69-74 Recent clinical and animal model studies have demonstrated an effect of behavioral variables on the course of cancer. Unrelieved anxiety, helplessness, depression, and the inability to modulate the expression of anger have been implicated…

Mastectomy, body image and therapeutic massage: a qualitative study of women’s experience

Behavioural Oncology Unit, University of Aberdeen, Medical School, Foresterhill, UK. Mastectomy, body image and therapeuticmassage: a qualitative study of women’s experience. Walker LG, Walker MB, Ogston K, Heys SD, Macmillan Practice Development Unit, Centre for Cancer and Palliative Care Studies, Institute of Cancer Research at the Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK. Despite…

The effects of guided imagery on comfort of women with early stage breast cancer undergoing radiation therapy

Behavioural Oncology Unit, University of Aberdeen, Medical School, Foresterhill, UK. Psychological, clinical and pathological effects of relaxation training & guided imagery during primary chemotherapy. Walker LG, Walker MB, Ogston K, Heys SD, The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are stressful, and stress may be associated with a poorer response to chemotherapy. There is a…

Psychological, clinical and pathological effects of relaxation training and guided imagery during primary chemotherapy

Behavioural Oncology Unit, University of Aberdeen, Medical School, Foresterhill, UK. Psychological, clinical and pathological effects of relaxation training & guided imagery during primary chemotherapy. Walker LG, Walker MB, Ogston K, Heys SD, The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are stressful, and stress may be associated with a poorer response to chemotherapy. There is a…

Interaction between breast cancer, psychosocial stress and the immune response

Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis, afd. Chirurgie, Amsterdam. Interaction between breast cancer, psychosocial stress and the immune response [Article in Dutch] Boermeester MA, Butzelaar RM Awareness of the interactive relation between psychosocial stressors, neuroendocrine and immunological processes, and tumour progression in patients with breast cancer appears to be important for clinicians. However, it is not established…

The use of complementary therapies by breast cancer patients attending conventional treatment

Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1982 Apr;4(1):69-74 Behavioral–physiological factors in the development and management of cancer. Vladimir Huber Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1982 Apr;4(1):69-74 Recent clinical and animal model studies have demonstrated an effect of behavioral variables on the course of cancer. Unrelieved anxiety, helplessness, depression, and the inability to modulate the expression of anger have been implicated…

Disclosing complementary and alternative medicine use in the medical encounter: a qualitative study in women with breast cancer

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California-San Francisco, Disclosing complementary and alternative medicine use in the medical encounter: a qualitative study in women with breast cancer. BACKGROUND: Despite recent findings that patients who use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) typically choose not to mention this to their physicians, little is known about the reasons…

Complementary medicine

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA Complementary medicine Spiegel D, Stroud P, Fyfe A The widespread use of complementary and alternative medicine techniques, often explored by patients without discussion with their primary care physician, is seen as a request from patients for care as well as cure. In this…

Guided imagery, hypnosis and recovery from head and neck cancer surgery: an exploratory study

Rapkin DA, Straubing M, Holroyd JC Guided imagery, hypnosis and recovery from head and neck cancer surgery: an exploratory study. Vladimir Huber The value of a brief, preoperative hypnosis experience was explored with a sample of 36 head and neck cancer surgery patients. 15 patients volunteered for the experimental hypnosis intervention. 21 patients who received…

Meditation, melatonin and breast/prostate cancer: hypothesis and preliminary data

University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Worcester, USA. Meditation, melatonin and breast/prostate cancer: hypothesis and preliminary data. Med Hypotheses 1995 Jan The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the regular practice of mindfulness meditation is associated with increased physiological levels of melatonin. Melatonin may be related to a variety…

Healing sounds

University of Plymouth, Faculty of Human Sciences, Institute of Health Studies, Taunton, UK. Healing sounds.Brewer JF Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 1998 Feb;4(1):7-12 This article explores Guzzetta’s (1988) notion that musical vibrations that are in tune with our human vibratory pattern could have a profound healing effect on the entire body. The question of why music…

The benefits of group music at the 1996 music weekend for women with cancer

Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA. The benefits of group music at the 1996 music weekend for women with cancer. Vladimir Huber BACKGROUND: Music therapy has been proven to benefit cancer patients physically and emotionally. The Music Weekend for Women with Cancer was developed as a novel opportunity for participants to experience the…

Research methodology in psychoneuroimmunology: rationale and design of the IMAGES-P clinical trial

Altern Ther Health Med 1995 May;1(2):34-9 Researchmethodology rationale and design of the IMAGES-P clinical trial. Vladimir Huber Although mental imagery has historically been ignored by the scientific community, it is one of the six most commonly used alternative therapies chosen by cancer patients. Investigations of immune response to psychosocial interventions have been largely anecdotal or…

Therapeutic touch, dialogue, and women’s experiences in breast cancer surgery

Department of Nursing, William Paterson College of New Jersey, Wayne, USA. Therapeutic touch, dialogue, and women’s experiences in breast cancer surgery. Holist Nurs Pract 1997 Oct;12(1):62-70 The article describes the development of a nursing intervention based on the science of unitary human beings that has the potential to help women have more positive experiences during…