Atlantic City, NJ, April 22, 1972
Quite a surprise, as she said
By Vladimir Huber
And the letter came
It was like the lost GI
which has been given as dead
It could be called hope
the feeling of those lines on green paper
The scream was sincere and clear
even though it took a while
to be fully understood
Boys and girls, girls and boys
all just dancing around on stage
while we wait for a partner
in this lonely life
People getting a hold of each other
with the excuse of love
People signing contracts for life
‘cause it’s all what they know
Obedience, status, lawyers and priests
and more children for an overcrowded world
are things that they need
for the very simple gesture of love
It’s just a wish with the letter
A wish of simplicity and honesty,
sharing and unselfishness
if it’s possible
The letter said about a reunion
It’s going to be different
but I just wonder…